Google’s SearchLiaison on Traffic Diversity

Google Encourages Diversifying Traffic Sources Google’s SearchLiaison recently tweeted encouragement to diversify traffic sources, emphasizing the importance of looking beyond search engine optimization. The tweet sparked a discussion about whether traffic diversity is a ranking factor, to which SearchLiaison clarified that it is not. The Discussion Unfolds During the discussion, a site owner raised...

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LinkedIn Enhances Newsletter Features

LinkedIn Enhances Newsletter Features for Creators LinkedIn is rolling out several new features to support creators who publish newsletters on its platform. The goal is to facilitate audience growth and reader engagement, making it easier for creators to connect with their followers. Increasing Trend in Newsletter Publishing According to LinkedIn, the number of members...

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Critical Vulnerabilities in Dokan Pro and WooCommerce

Dokan Pro Plugin Vulnerability Recently, WooCommerce and Wordfence issued advisories regarding vulnerabilities in the Dokan Pro plugin. Wordfence warned about a critical SQL Injection vulnerability that could allow unauthenticated attackers to access sensitive information from a website database. Dokan Pro WordPress Plugin The Dokan Pro plugin enables users to create a multi-vendor marketplace within...

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